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It is a matter of proud privilege for me that my book "Mathematical Physics" has successfully completed forty-eight years of its appreciation, usefuln .... Read More
It is a matter of proud privilege for me that my book "Mathematical Physics" has successfully completed forty-eight years of its appreciation, usefulness, applicability and very wide popularity among the teachers, research scholars and students of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Engineering at National and international level. Its first edition was published in 1965 when it was the only book by any Indian author on this topic and since then it has been revised by rewriting some chapters, adding various new topics in each chapter and writing several new chapters in each edition keeping in view the needs of teachers and students of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering according to the changing syllabi of these subjects in various Indian and Foreign Universities. During this span of forty eight years this book could maintain its unique style of presentation, renaissance, captivity and unification of all the mathematical methods useful for the students of physics and engineering at various levels ranging from undergraduate courses to the level of current researches in all the fields of theoretical Physics, Mathematics and Engineering. During these years this book has been recommended as a text book and also as a reference book in the syllabi of various universities in India and abroad and I have felt honoured during these years by the comments, criticisms and letters of appreciation from teachers, research scholars and students of Physics, Mathematics, Physical Chemistry and Engineering in various universities.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | Vector Analysis | 135 |
2 | Classical Mechanics | 221 |
3 | Beta and Gamma Functions | 36 |
4 | Complex Variable | 117 |
5 | Ordinary Differential Equations and Useful Polynomials | 158 |
6 | Hypergeometric Functions and Their Applications | 30 |
7 | Fourier Series and Integrals | 43 |
8 | Partial Differential Equations in Physical Problems | 89 |
9 | Numerical Methods | 52 |
10 | Elements of Probability and Theory of Errors | 70 |
11 | Tensor Analysis | 87 |
12 | Matrices | 102 |
13 | Special Theory of Relativity | 111 |
14 | Group Theory | 86 |
15 | Integral Transforms | 94 |
16 | Dirac Delta Functions and Green's Functions | 94 |