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This elementary book, “Foundations of Electronics : An Illustration”, deals with the recurring questions regarding electronics as well as the appl .... Read More
This elementary book, “Foundations of Electronics : An Illustration”, deals with the recurring questions regarding electronics as well as the application in digital circuits. Starting with the concept of Electron, it sequentially discusses chapters like “Basic Circuit Analysis”, “Fourier Series”, “Semiconductor”, “P-N Junction”, “Transistor”, “Amplifier”, “FET”, “Modulation”, “Oscillator”, “LED”, “Digital Circuit” and “Fabrication” for making devices through various stages using semiconductor and a compendium of specific tips to make cleansing and clarion. Simple illustrations have been introduced in the main text to show how the theory works in practice from extrinsic semiconductors to digital circuit and from basic fabrication techniques to LEDs with a recalcitrant. An effort has been made in this book to take students away from rote learning and induce some original thinking in their minds. To achieve this objective, the new patterns of presentation in various chapters during the course of study have more to do with current aspects in manufacturing. A chapter wise analysis is attempted in this book to assist the student to comprehend the topics better and bring preparation closer to the experiment. The formulae and applications are simple, elegant, complicated and cumbersome. The mathematical analysis makes it a selfsufficient reading material. We have prepared the whole length by testing and verification in an academic accredited manner. This book may be found useful by those who have studied this subject from the available standard texts without the guidance of an expert in the field through simple illustrations and examples. It is hoped that the readers will not feel the inertia one encounters in going from basic analog electronics to digital electronics. During long production period, some material was added to update the volume. The last chapter, “Chapter Practice Problems (CPP)”, has been added in view of the need for specific numerical examples for competitions like IAS, PCS, IES, NET/GATE, JAM and other entrance examinations.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | Electrons | 20 |
2 | Basic Circuit Analysis | 19 |
3 | Fourier Series | 15 |
4 | Semi-Conductor | 10 |
5 | P-N Junction | 45 |
6 | Transistor | 27 |
7 | Amplifier Circuit | 75 |
8 | Field Effect Transistor | 26 |
9 | Modulation And Dimoleculation | 16 |
10 | Oscillator | 18 |
11 | Light Emitting Diode (LED) | 17 |
12 | Digital Circuits | 38 |
13 | Fabrication | 20 |
14 | Chapterwise Practice Problems (Cpp) | 46 |
15 | Operational Amplifier | 22 |
16 | Number System and Logics Gate | 34 |
17 | Binary Codes and Combinational Circuits | 52 |
18 | Sequential Circuits | 20 |
19 | Appendices | 20 |