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The worth mentioning changes in the book are given below: 1. The order of chapters have been completely reshifted as per U.G.C. syllabus. 2. The cha .... Read More
The worth mentioning changes in the book are given below: 1. The order of chapters have been completely reshifted as per U.G.C. syllabus. 2. The chapter as "Wave Motion" has been deleted on it is now in new paper titled "Waves and Oscillations" which is separate book by Satya Prakash Published by Pragati Prakashan Meerut. 3. In the chapter titled "Mechanics of Fluids" Euler’s theorem and has been added and on its basis Bernoulli's theorem has been easily derived. 4. A new topic "Velocity and Acceleration in Different Coordinate Systems have been added. 5. A new topic "Moment of Inertia Tensor have been added in the chapter titled" Dynamics of Rigid Bodies. 6. Short Answer Questions and Multiple Choice Questions have been in the exercises of each chapter. 7. Anew topic "Minkowsi space and four vectors" has been added in "Spaced Theory of Relativity". 8. A large number of solved and unsolved problems taken from latest question papers of various universities have been added at appropriate places 9. Misprints and omissions have been removed as far as possible. In the present form the book covers the entire new syllabus and hence it is invaluable for all students.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | Vectors | 70 |
2 | Frames of Reference | 22 |
3 | Relativity | 46 |
4 | Conservative Fields and Potentials | 52 |
5 | Motion Under Central Force : Conservation of Linear and Angular Momenta | 61 |
6 | Dynamics of Charged Particles | 49 |
7 | Dynamics of Rigid Bodies | 51 |
8 | The Mechanics of Non-Rigid Bodies : Elasticity | 44 |
9 | The Mechanics of Fluids : Viscosity | 32 |
10 | Surface Tension | 23 |
11 | Free, Damped And Forced Oscillations In One Dimension | 99 |
12 | Fourier’s Theorem | 99 |