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Quantum Chemistry is taught in almost all universities. Today, quantum mechanics is accepted as a legitimate tool for the study of almost all chemical .... Read More
Quantum Chemistry is taught in almost all universities. Today, quantum mechanics is accepted as a legitimate tool for the study of almost all chemical phenomena as well as molecular and atomic properties. A gradual realisation of the necessity of the knowledge of the principles of quantum mechanics and their applicability to chemical problems for students undergoing postgraduate chemistry courses has led to the introduction of the subject curricula of almost all the Indian Universities. Although a number of excellent books on quantum mechanics are available, much of the material contained in them is not of immediate interest to the majority of chemists. The present text is accordingly a humble attempt to fulfill the needs of such students and is the outcome of my desire to present the subject in as simple manner as possible without sacrificing the rigour. The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to certain aspects of quantum mechanics that have a bearing on chemical problems and to equip the students beginning their studies of the subject at the post-graduate level.
Sr | Chapter Name | No Of Page |
1 | Quantum Numbers and Origin of Quantum Mechanics | 38 |
2 | Schrodinger Wave Equation and Wave Function | 14 |
3 | Quantum Mechanical Formalism (Operators) | 31 |
4 | Applications of Schrodinger Wave Equation | 51 |
5 | Hydrogen-Like Atom and Shapes of Orbitals | 32 |
6 | Approximate Methods | 29 |
7 | Angular Momentum | 26 |
8 | Chemical Bonding | 68 |
9 | Molecular Orbital Treatment of Conjugated Molecules | 41 |
10 | Special Topic (The Quantum-Mechanical Virial Theorem) | 41 |